Tag Archives: Certifiate

How To Create And Install A Server Certificate From A Stand Alone CA


  1. Open IIS manager
  2. Click on the server name
  3. Double click Server Certificates
  4. On the action panel click create certificate request
  5. On the request certificate window:
  6. Enter common name which can be *company.com.
  7. Enter organization which is the company name.
  8. Enter OU like “IT”.
  9. Enter city location.
  10. Enter state.
  11. Enter country like US or IL (only 2 letters).
  12. On the cryptographic windows leave the defaults which is Microsoft RSA… and 1024 bit length.
  13. On the file name window enter the file name for the “request cert” file and save it.
  14. Click finish.
  15. Go to the CA server.
  16. Go the CA role.
  17. Right click the CA server.
  18. Choose all tasks.
  19. Submit request.
  20. Choose and open the request file that you created before – “wildcard-request.txt”
  21. Now you will find the request pending on the CA server.
  22. Right click the pending certificate.
  23. Choose all tasks.
  24. Choose issue.
  25. After issuing the certificate you will see it under issued certificates.
  26. Right click on the issued certificate.
  27. Choose all tasks.
  28. Choose export binary data.
  29. On the export binary data window mark save binary data to file.
  30. Set a file name .cer and location for the binary file.
  31. This is how the exported certificate look like:
  32. Open IIS manager.
  33. Click on the server name.
  34. Double click on server certificates.
  35. On the action panel click on complete certificate request.
  36. On file name containing the certification… brows to select the server certificate.
  37. Choose a friendly name with * (wildcard) so they can serve all web sites.
  38. Right click on the web site that you want to bind the certificate.
  39. Choose edit binding.
  40. Click add 
  41. Choose type https.
  42. Enter host name the same name as the web site.
  43. Click ok.