how to Search-Keywords in files – PowerShell function

function Search-File{
[STRING[]]$Path = $pwd,
[STRING[]]$Include = “*.ps1”,
[STRING[]]$KeyWord = (Read-Host “Keyword?”),

Descrition: This function allows you to search a folder and it’s sub directories for files containing a keyword.

Exampls: Search-File -Path C:\temp -Include “*.pdf” -KeyWord “nagios”

Date: Sunday, April 3, 2016 10:03:16 AM

The function uses three parameters and one switch.


By default, the path will use your present working directory ($pwd). The search path is always recursive.

By default the include is set to “*.ps1”. The value for this parameter filters by file name.
Examples : -Include “*.log” or “Servers*.log”

If no value is provided you will be prompted with “Keyword?:”.
This parameter invokes “Search-String -Simplematch $Keyword”; I sometimes search for regular expressions, but a switch could be added to the function to utilize “Search-String -Pattern” allowing use of regular expressions in the keyword search.
Uses a simple match rather than a regular expression match. In a simple match, Select-String searches the input for the text in the Pattern parameter. It does not interpret the value of the Pattern parameter as a regular expression statement.


While the default formatting neatly groups matched lines under the filename, the line is truncated. If you want to see the full line containing the match, use this switch.


Get-ChildItem -path $Path -Include $Include -Recurse | `
sort Directory,CreationTime | `
Select-String -simplematch $KeyWord -OutVariable Result | `

IF ($ListView) {
$Result | Format-List -Property Path,LineNumber,Line
$Result | Format-Table -GroupBy Path -Property LineNumber,Line -AutoSize


Source: Search-Scripts – – PowerShell Scripts, Tips, Forums, and Resources