Category Archives: PowerShell

Upgrade To Power Shell 3.0 Version

Check which Power Shell version is already installed on the server with command $PSVersionTable


if it is power shell 2.0 then:

  • Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
  • Install PowerShell 3.0

If it is PowerShell 1.0 than:

  • Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 sp1
  • Install PowerShell 2.0
  • Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
  • Install PowerShell 3.0

Microsoft PowerShell with F5

Microsoft Windows PowerShell command line shell and scripting language helps IT professionals achieve greater control and productivity.

Windows PowerShell allows IT professionals to more easily control system administration and accelerate automation.

The iControl PowerShell Snapin is a set of Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell that give you the full power of the iControl API.

To use the iControl PowerShell Snapin download and install it on your PowerShell working Station.

  1. Download iControlSnapInSetup.msi installer.
  2. Run the iControlSnapInSetup.msi installer.  This will install the SnapIn into the c:\program files\F5 Networks\iControlSnapIn directory.
  3. Start PowerShell.
  4. Cd to ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\F5 Networks\iControlSnapIn’ directory.
  5. Dot Source the setup script only once after the install   ./setupSnapIn.ps1
  6. Load the SnapIn into the Runtime – Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn
  7. Initialize the iControl connection with the Initialize-F5.iControl CmdLet

Initialize-F5.iControl -Hostname bigip_address -Credentials (Get-Credential)

8. Run the Get-F5.iControlCommands CmdLet to list out all the available Cmdlets


9.       Try out some of the CmdLets like Get-F5.LTMPool




  • If you get error like this when trying to load the snap-in with Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn than run these command lines:
  • c:\windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v2.0.50727\installutil.exe iControlSnapin.dll /LogFile=
  • Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn.
  • Initialize-F5.iControl -Hostname BIG-IP Address -Credentials (Get-Credential)

Source: Microsoft PowerShell with iControl

Run PowerShell Script As Scheduled Task

Run PowerShell Script as a Scheduled Task

  1. On the system that the task will be run from, open the Windows Task Scheduler. This can be found in the Start menu, under Start > Administrative Tools.
  1. In the Task Scheduler, select the Create Task option under the Actions heading on the right-hand side.
  2. Enter a name for the task, and give it a description (the description is optional and not required).
  3. In the General tab, go to the Security options heading and specify the user account that the task should be run under. Change the settings so the task will run if the user is logged in or not.
  4. Next, select the Triggers tab, and click New to add a new trigger for the scheduled task. Click OK when your desired settings are entered.
  5. Next, go to the Actions tab and click New to set the action for this task to run. Set the Action to “Start a program”.
  6. In the Program/script box enter “PowerShell.”

In the Add arguments (optional) box enter the value “.\[Your PowerShell Script Name].” For example, if your PowerShell Script is named “Migration1.ps1” then you would enter “.\Migration1.ps1” as the value.

Then, in the Start in (optional) box, add the location of the folder that contains your PowerShell script. In this example, the script is in a folder called “Script” that is off the root C: drive.

Note: The location used in the Start in box will also be used for storing the scheduled task run times, the job history for the copies, and any additional logging that may occur.

Click OK when all the desired settings are made.

  1. Next, set any other desired settings in the Conditions and Settings tabs. You can also set up additional actions, such as emailing an Administrator each time the script is run.
  2. Once all the desired actions have been made (or added), click OK. The task will be immediately set, and is ready to run.

The scheduling of this task is complete, and is now ready to run based on the entered settings.

Source: Configuring a PowerShell Script to Run as a Scheduled Task